S&Em got the wonderful opportunity to speak with Kyle of The Picture Perfect, a band from Wisconsin that if you don't know, you should fix that! This was one of the most fun interviews we have done. Hopefully we will have a follow up interview for you all and maybe an exclusive video! For now, take a look at what we learned about them!
S&Em: First off, how did you all meet and unite as a band?
TPP: It all started when I began playing solo acoustic music in my senior year of high school.
After plenty of failed attempts at forming bands (one of which Colin and I were both in
together) I decided to give the solo run a try as it’s much easier to do. After getting fed
up the lack of fun and inability to play with friends, I decided to try and get another
band together. Colin and I had been friends since 2nd grade, so naturally he was my
first choice. Brandon and Adam were both from the Eau Claire area; I met Brandon
through a fellow acquaintance, and Adam actually responded to a Craigslist ad I had
put up looking for a guitarist (best Craigslist find ever haha). Josh came to us through a
fellow brother band (The Role Call). He was their merch guy, and after going on tour
with him, we all fell in love with his quirky attitude. So after trouble arose in the
guitarist realm, he was our first choice.
S&Em: Watching the video for “Lovestruck” a few things caught our eyes. We saw
at least one person with a tattoo. How many of you have tattoos?
TPP:Currently, we all have tattoos haha. Adam by far has the most. He actually used to
work at a tattoo parlor doing piercings and whatnot (he pierced mine and Josh’s noses
and Jared (our merch guys) and colin’s ears haha). He has stuff all over. Arms, legs,
side, face, you name it. Next is probably me: I’ve got seven - all sort of tiny simple
ones, then Josh, Colin, and Brandon. Brandon actually just got his first one about two
weeks ago in Eau Claire from the artist who did a few of All Time Low’s (Alex and Zack)
tattoos actually! I think that’s pretty neat.
S&Em: To those of you with tattoos, which one is your favorite and why?
TPP: I know that my favorite is the compass rose I have on my forearm. It’s just the most
well done artistically, and has the most meaning to me.
S&Em: Another thing we noticed in the video was the drummer, Colin, actually
sings. That isn’t something that happens all that often. Does it get difficult
to sing while drumming? We know a lot of drummers and most of them
tend to get extremely winded while playing.
TPP:Yeah, that’s something we really take pride in and like that it sets us apart. I know
Colin has secret aspirations to be a frontman like Adam Lazzarra from TBS or
something haha so I always make an effort to write parts in for him. Not to mention, he
can sing a little higher than me, so It’s really helpful to have him for harmonies. And
it’s certainly not easy to do. I know Colin can get winded often, especially when he’s
doing difficult drum fills and rocking out. I have no idea how Aaron Gillespie does it.
(S&Em Note: To our readers, if you didn't know drumming while singing is one of the most difficult things, try singing well while jumping up and down, in circles, alternating feet. That still isn't as hard.)
S&Em: Do you all have say in the casting of the video or do you go in blind?
TPP: Nobody really had any idea what was going on for the video. I had brainstormed the
concept with a friend and had briefly mentioned it to a few of the guys, but I went out
and got a bunch of my theater friends from the University to come and help out. We
did ask a couple random girls to come help out, so Colin just randomly asked a few at
one of the dorms who we had never met before haha so that was interesting.
S&Em: Who are the songwriters of the group?
TPP: I am the primary songwriter of the group. Most songs are ideas I’ve had that I’ve taken
the time to sit down and shape out a bit. Josh has started helping out more now that
he just joined, and some of the other guys will randomly add their two-cents in here
and there, but it’s mostly my ideas.
S&Em: Where do you pull inspiration from for your songs?
TPP: A lot of my inspiration comes from what I’m listening to at the time. Then I’ll try and
twist that into the general style that I have to help sculpt it into our “sound.” I mainly
get most of my personal inspiration from a lot of other pop and rock pianists such as
Chris Martin, Bryce Avary, Andrew McMahon, etc. but each member has their own
S&Em: Being from Wisconsin, do you find it difficult to get noticed by labels or by
people outside of Wisconsin?
TPP: Oh absolutely. The twin cities has a great music scene, so it’s really beneficial that
we’re so close to that, but the Midwest as a whole is really dead for pop music. People
don’t care so much and aren’t willing to go out and check out unheard music. I’d like
to think we could do a lot more damage to the scene on the east or west coast.
(S&Em Note: Come to the East coast!)
S&Em: It seems you all have extremely dirty senses of humor. Whose mind is in the gutter the most?
TPP: I’d definitely have to say Adam or Colin; each in their own respective ways. Just watch a
few of our shenanigan videos and you might get an idea hahaha.
S&Em: .How many fans try to use your merch, the “Let’s Get Sexual tank tops as a
type of pick up line?
TPP: Hahaha it’s funny that you say that. Normally I wouldn’t really think that many do, but
people have really just started to incorporate that into that sort of thing. Adam’s
current girlfriend actually used that exact line to him the first time they ever talked
haha and look where they are now.
(S&Em Note: Smart girl! That's what first came to our minds!)
S&Em: Of all of your songs, which is the most fun to perform?
TPP:I really enjoy playing Crunk Love. It’s just got a bunch of fun stuff all over and the
crowd really seems to get into it.
S&Em: Which song hits home the most for you?
TPP: I think “You, Me, & 88 Keys” is probably the most meaningful for me. I wrote it in a
really serious time in my life and I think it’s a little more accurate representation of
what my personal music is really like. It’s too bad we don’t play it live enough.
S&Em: Tell us the last three artists/bands you listened to.
TPP: Marianas Trench, The Icarus Account, The Cab
S&Em: We saw you’re trying to play with The All American Rejects. Tell us more
about that!
TPP: That was a competition that we were trying to move on with, which unfortunately
didn’t end up working out. It was one of those “get the most votes” type of thing,
which I always feel is sort of a ratty display of ability and too much cheating goes on.
S&Em: Are you guys trying to get signed or are you intending to stay unsigned for
a while?
TPP: It really depends on what’s going on. We’ve had a few really small offers, but for the
time being, you really can do it yourself for quite a while. I would never be opposed to
signing onto some of my favorite labels like Fueled by Ramen or Hopeless, but I don’t
think that’s going to happen anytime soon haha
S&Em: What is one of your greatest challenges as a band?
TPP: I know that we all really struggle with being on the same page. It takes a lot of work to
be in a band, and it can all be pointless if everyone isn’t in it to win it together, and I
think we struggle with that sometimes. Sometimes dedication can falter and we get set
back a few steps and have to remind our selves to get back on our game and do some
serious work.
S&Em: How do you work out your differences?
TPP: We try to have band meetings a lot to talk about things going on, and I’m a huge
proponent of communication and talking about any issues. It’s pretty basic stuff, but
something that I think a lot of bands might forget about.
S&Em: What musicians (of today) do you think will be considered legendary?
TPP: It’s really hard to define what legendary will be. It can be something different for each
person. As far as pop or alternative bands go though, I don’t see a lot of them
becoming “legendary” but I think a lot more big name people like Justin Bieber, Usher,
or Adam Levine will definitely go down in history.
S&Em: On recent award shows, most of the “artists” decided to lip synch their
songs. What is your opinion on lip synching in general?
TPP: I really frown upon faking vocals or instrumentation on stage. In my opinion, if you are
an artist that claims to sound a specific way on a record, it is your job to recreate that
live in as many ways as you can. I think that’s a lot more characteristic of talent, and
something that a lot of people just don’t seem to care as much about now days.
S&Em:The Show “Opening Act” has been opening doors for a lot of “unknown”
musicians. If you were to be put on this show, who would you hope to be
opening for?
TPP: I would seriously die if I got to open for Jack’s Mannequin or All Time Low. Both of
these bands have played their respective roles in my life and really shaped me into who
I am today. Playing a show with them would really seal my happiness in a big way.
S&Em:What is the most important aspect of the band for you all?
TPP:To me, I really enjoy meeting people and getting the feeling that what I am doing
matters to them. All I’d ever really want in this life is to know that what I am doing now
with writing music has managed to affect and inspire somebody else in the way that it
has for me. Because I know what an amazing feeling that is.
S&Em would like to thank Kyle for taking the time to do this interview with us. We all have been playing email tag for the past few months and we were definitely looking forward to this interview.
Go check out The Picture Perfect on Twitter and definitely be on the lookout for them!