Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ideal Zero- EP Review

Recently, we were presented with the opportunity to review Ideal Zero's EP. Ideal Zero is a female-fronted band based out of Orlando, Florida. Fun fact: lead singer Irina is a New England girl like us!   Since S&Em are currently a few hours away from each other, we had to review separately. Sammie's review is up first, Em's will be up later. Both of us would like to thank Ideal Zero for giving us the opportunity to give a listen and an opinion to their EP. Here's what Sammie had to say about each song.

Free Again- If you like Evanescence’s “Imaginary” you’d definitely like the sound of this song. The song screams girl power and freedom. Going through a break up? Blast this loud and proud. “Free Again” has a strong “can’t hold us down” message.  It speaks of no longer being oppressed but trying to fight it “When there's no place left to go, there's no escape, no way out that you can find, just free your mind. Even if my hands are bound behind my back, my thoughts won't be tied down.” I feel like a lot of people would be able to relate to this song. Finding out more of the back story, I learned that this song is against the communist regime. Singer Irina was born in Romania during communism and she said she heard horrible stories from her parents and how “the only way they made it through was keeping their minds free even when nothing else was.” This is all just a new form of haunting. I LOVE a song with a powerful message. 4/5 stars

Surrender- Started off a little slow for me. Reminds me of 90s alternative though, which is a personal favorite of mine. It is a song of losing hope and losing sight of who you are. What is your purpose, why are things the way they are. We all have asked ourselves “why me” at some point in our lives, this song kind of highlights that. Definitely a bit of a switch since “Free Again.” The song ended abruptly for me, I was expecting it to go on, but definitely a good song to let you know you aren’t alone in these thoughts.  The abrupt ending is fitting for the message of the song, which lead singer Irina explains is about “that deciding moment before you commit suicide… because the way I see it, it is impulsive it’s a now or never moment. ” INTENSE! 3/5

Perfect Prey- The first line of this song got me right away “I used to think that you were authentic.” That is such a common trend with people. People think they know someone and then get stabbed right in the back/heart. This song kind of made me smile in a sick and twisted way. It’s kind of like “I can and will find out everything despite how sneaky you think you are.” Never underestimate the power of a pissed off girl. I liked the dynamics of the song. The lyrics were very in your face in a subtle way, if that even makes sense.  “Show go show yourself, for who you really are” Don’t you all wish you could just yell that in someone’s face? It was one of those songs that you start listen to, learn the words instantly, and then feel like the song is 30 seconds. It’s THAT good. 5/5

I Will Rise- This song had a totally different sound than the rest in the beginning. It’s amazing the impact one person can have on your life. Quite inspirational, acknowledging how life can get hard but how you have to keep on going and try to hold your head up high and conquer every obstacle.  As a person who has dealt with a lot of bullying due to being in and out of a wheelchair, this song hit close to home. Love the message behind this song and it definitely showcases her vocal abilities to the fullest. Just this one stanza has an amazing punch to it Who do you think you are? Who knew that you would take things so far, and try to deny me of my innocence, but I will rise and hold my head up high.”  I definitely have this song on repeat. 4/5

Beneath the Sun-This song had more of an electronic sound to it, which I must say isn’t my favorite. Again, the message behind this song was incredible and easy to relate to. I feel as though the instrumentals drowned out the vocals a bit in this song though. “I don’t care what people say” is a great message “I won’t let them have their way, they can’t stop me from living” is an even stronger sentiment. This song is definitely fighting against popular opinion and about being yourself, in which I have to say rock on. 2.5/5

Overall this EP is incredibly powerful. I was moved by the lyrics and could relate to them and know that others would be able to also. I sound like a broken record but this is the ultimate “I am woman hear me roar” type of EP (no the band is not all women). The lead singer, Irina, is reminiscent of Amy Lee mixed with a touch of Haley Williams, so overall an incredibly powerful and unique voice. There’s such a genuine rock vibe to this music and I love it! Definitely an EP I will keep on my iPod and would recommend it to all of my female friends and even my male friends that dig great music. Definitely be on the lookout for Ideal Zero! You can find their EP on iTunes!

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